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Slobodna domena Zadruga za otvoreni kod i dizajn

Solidarity Fund

Call to cooperation

Slobodna domena, open source and design cooperative, has started a Solidarity Fund to support projects and activities that we find socially relevant, useful, and in accordance with the values and goals of our cooperative.

What is this about and how the Fund works?
All profits that we make on annual basis go into the Solidarity Fund, which has a triple role: funding projects and activities, mutual aid fund for cooperative members and being an investment tool.

The Fund works in a transparent manner, information about its’ status is available to all members of the cooperative, and this call is open all year around.

We're inviting all interested parties to get in touch with their proposals! We want to put our time, knowledge, human and material resources into the realisation of ideas that match our cooperative's values and principles:
– fair distribution of surplus value
– democratic decision making
– defence and broadening of the definition of common goods
– promotion of equality and fighting discrimination

Everybody's eligible - the only thing that's important to us is that the proposals are compatible with our efforts to use the Fund to help out projects based on solidarity and development.

Keep in mind that Slobodna domena largely does design and creates digital platforms, and that we can do the most in that area. We dream about spreading the virus of platform cooperativism and that this call will contribute to that.

What's in it for Slobodna domena?
There is no financial gain from the Fund - we're investing what we can afford and not thinking of it as a business investment. The motivation to start the Solidarity Fund was to support good, sustainable, socially beneficial projects; our only reward is seeing that a project we helped stands on its own legs and continues to grow and develop.

How to apply?
Send a brief description of the proposal to Make sure to give us your name and contact and we’ll take it from there together!

If you prefer face to face communication, why don’t you personally come to our office on the 14th floor of the Vjesnik building in Zagreb? We'll be expecting you on 19th and 26th October at 10am. If Zagreb is out of hand for you, give us a call at +385 91 164 7325 on the aforementioned dates and time.

This call is permanent and it's not geographically limited to Croatia. However, the resources are limited. Get in touch!